Wednesday 12 April 2017

Newbies guide to getting into social media

Top Five tips for Those new to Social media 1. When creating an account mentally designate what the account is going to be used for beforehand so that you never post something (or at least have a better chance not to) inappropriate for your audience to it.  
2. After creating an account whether private or for public use only add those whom you know to start off, it creates a safer environment to build your community.
3. Always make sure that you dont post in any state thats too overly emotional it can lead to feelings being hurt and relationships being over.
4. Know your audience, and who you will be gearing your posts towards whether business or personal
5. And finally Have fun, many people get caught up in the micro world online and get overly stressed out and caught in drama, learn to separate your online and your offline lives so that they dont interfere with each other!

How to improve the loading speed of your web?

  • Let's see some of the best habits to make your website much lighter, the combination of all will get great results and if your website has a problem with loading time I advise you to put them into practice right now.

#1. Use quality hosting
Many people start their projects tried to save as much as possible and the main point in which you want to save is in hosting your domain, let me tell you that this is not an expense but an investment for your online business.

#2. Use a lightweight template
In my first project I took a template that I liked a lot, had a thousand virguerías to do and in the demo looked pretty pretty, the reality was that it made my project take 7 seconds to load, horrible.

#3. Optimize your images

The images are a very important and influential section in the loading speed of a website. I'm going to confess a little secret and is that I sometimes miss an image in my blogs that is not optimized, making it weigh a lot more Of what it should and that therefore makes the web load much slower.

#4. Clean plugins you do not use
Everybody happens to us, we start to try plugins here or there and in the end we have 50 in one of our webs. This is very bad, normally they consume many resources and make your web go slower than it should, the best is That you check one by one the plugins you have and delete all those that are not important for your website, disable them and delete them.

How to block ads in Opera Mini browser

Are you looking to block ads in your Opera Mini browser?
Opera Mini has changed the mobile computing experience by offering enriched quality services to the users who have been accessing it. New features are being added to the browser on daily basis in order to expand the share of the market. But at times this can create a lot of hurdles for the users because exploring new features which users are not aware of will definitely lead to complexities. There are millions of users who are profound users of this browser and may be surfing unlimited videos and pictures. As web catch holds of this so they automatically pop ups videos or ads in your browser which tends be very irritating and users will definitely not want that to appear in their screen. The only solution that is left with the users in such cases is to block ads in their browser. Online services can be offered to the users from Opera Mini customer service for resolving such issues. Apart from this below mentioned is an effective tutorial which will forecast different tools and techniques to block ads in the Opera Mini browser. Users should know that by blocking ads they can enhance the surfing speed because ads consume a lot of data as a result of which landing page of the website increases.
Steps to block ads in Opera Mini browser:
Step 1: Users can first of all open their browser in their respective device and then they can simply tap on the O menu.
Step 2: Users can then tap on Ad Blocking which will ensure that all the ads have been instantly blocked and users can enjoy uninterrupted services.
Step 3: If willing to ad blocks when using wi fi then users can simply tap on Data Savings on Wi Fi.
Are you looking to block ads via the certified technicians’ advice?
Blocking of the ads can be easily done via seeking assistance from the immensely qualified and skilled technicians at any point of time. Services are online and users can feel free to seek assistance only via dialing the 24/7 Opera Mini technical support number which is a toll free service available to the users all through the year. The technicians will only need to remote access the users system to understand the root cause of the users issue and then they can quickly perform the troubleshooting steps so that users do not lose any more of their important time as well as productivity.